Will There Be Alimony (Or Palimony)?
Spousal support, also known as alimony, is a legal obligation to provide financial support to a spouse after separation or divorce. Palimony is financial support when the parties lived together but were not legally married.
With your future finances and standard of living at stake, you need experienced and forceful legal representation. I handle divorce actions as well as property settlements between unmarried couples.
Financial Support Of Spouses Or Live-In Partners
I have experience with high-asset and high-profile divorce and paternity cases involving significant alimony or palimony. I can represent you in negotiations or court proceedings over the amount and duration. California courts may consider:
- Income and earning capacity
- Accustomed standard of living
- Length of the marriage (or domestic partnership)
- Age and health of the parties
- Career sacrifices
- Domestic violence in the relationship
Spousal support may be granted as interim support during divorce proceedings, short-term assistance after divorce, or as permanent alimony in some long-term marriages.
Opri & Associates in Beverly Hills takes select cases throughout Los Angeles County.